Being engaged at MCC is really about becoming part of a family where we work together to love God, each other and the community around us. Walking through the following steps reflects this decision.
When one expresses a desire to become an engaged member of the family at MCC, that person has decided to link arms with the rest of the body. Our desire is to equip and empower our church family to fulfill the ministry of the church. As Paul states in Ephesians 4:11-13, we wish to build each other up, maintaining unity in the Spirit, growing in maturity and knowledge, and attaining the whole measure of the fullness of Jesus Christ.
If you are interested in becoming an engaged member at Mission Community Church, please fill out the form below.
**Before completing this form, please be sure to read our Engaged Membership Commitment and Statement of Faith**
Instructions: Please fill out ONE FORM per person. Content cannot be saved, please complete in one sitting and click submit. *Children under the age of 18 will be recognized as engaged as well.