Giving Thanks NOW!

When it comes to gratitude, we each have our unique ways of understanding and expressing it. Some of us may feel more comfortable receiving praise and recognition than giving it. For others, particularly those who want to appear strong and emotionally detached, expressing thanks can feel like vulnerability. This may be the case for some men who may see gratitude as incompatible with the image of toughness they are trying to maintain.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 declares a powerful truth that we are called to live by if we want to bring heaven's perspective to earth, "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 

Some may mistakenly interpret this as a command to embrace all circumstances, the good and the bad, and give thanks because that is God's will for us. It’s natural to struggle with this idea, especially when we’re going through dark or painful times. Frankly, to believe that hardships are God's will for us, would be difficult to accept. But there’s a better interpretation to this verse, that is the act of giving thanks, not the circumstances themselves, is "God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

Thanksgiving should be a regular practice, like a muscle we train at the gym. If giving thanks is God's will for me, and if doing His will pleases Him, then I want to learn to give thanks in all circumstances. Don’t you? Giving thanks is a powerful Kingdom principle, one we are called to embrace with open hearts. 

Here are some key reminders about gratitude:


1 Chronicles 29:13 says, "Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name." The word now is significant, because we are called to express gratitude as soon as we feel it. We are creatures of habit, prone to forgetfulness, and we can easily let moments of gratitude slip by without saying anything. Being proactive and speaking appreciation to God and those closest to us is key to developing a heart of thanks. It will take retraining our minds, so let’s aim to give thanks whenever we have the opportunity t.. Let’s do it now!


Thanksgiving should always come from the heart. Many of the issues we see in our world today stem from a lack of heart connection, and sometimes, an absence of kindness. When we express thanks from the heart, we open ourselves to a deeper level of vulnerability and compassion, and our gratitude becomes more meaningful. Heartfelt thanks carry more impact than a polished academic expression of gratitude. Psalm 138:1captures this beautifully: "I will give You thanks with all my heart." Let’s make sure our gratitude begins in the heart.


Ephesians 5:20 says, "Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." If we are called to thank God always, we should start by practicing gratitude with those around us. Frequent expressions of thanks are beneficial, not just for those who receive them but also for us. Cultivating gratitude turns us into grateful people, and becoming more grateful, helps us become more like Jesus. He gave us a perfect example, thanking the Father before any undertaking.

Life’s distractions can make us forget to be thankful, and if we are honest with ourselves, an ungrateful person is not fun to be around. 

Let’s then commit to showing gratitude toward God and others regularly.

Giving thanks:

  • Brings honor to God

  • Strengthens family bonds, as well as friendship and community

  • Reflects the nature of God in us

  • Can transform our hearts and attitudes

As we approach Thanksgiving, let’s take time to reflect on the many reasons we have to be grateful. Let’s not just think about them but also verbalize them. 

Make it a point to say "Thank you" to God first, and to those who have an integral role in our lives, like our spouses, children, family, and close friends.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Davide Colletta

Davide is the Senior Leader
at Mission Community Church